Video Marketing for Videos for Business

Video marketing has gotten more complex yet at the same time it has allowed a great deal more creativity to differentiate the good video marketer from the novice.  It has also created so many more opportunities for promoting videos for business.  It may take more work but the rewards for the video marketer are much higher as the video for business can be seen by many more people and create greater buzz for the business.

It used to be that video marketing was all about producing the video and putting it in YouTube.  But now creating the video for business is only the first step.  In promoting it and making it work for the business the video marketer must consider more than YouTube and must get quite creative with her video marketing techniques.  The successful videos will need to be a hit in YouTube and outside YouTube.  The video landscape is fragmenting significantly and it has several heavyweights entering the field that need to be strongly considered.  The behemoth that is making a huge splash in video marketing is Facebook.  With its new video features it is giving YouTube a run for its money.  Since uploading videos directly to them gives the video marketer an advantage in Facebook itself it is a must to consider this.  However, not having the views and traffic in YouTube by uploading the video for business to YouTube and just playing it in Facebook from YouTube does fragment the YouTube view statistics which means the video will not rank as high in YouTube and therefore not get as much play as if it was hosted there and played in Facebook.  Considering other viewing or distribution providers has the same exact effect on the rankings of the video in YouTube.  Of course Facebook is huge and has a worldwide audience and it cannot be ignored.  This is catch-22 issue.  To optimize its discoverability the video must make it outside of YouTube as well as in YouTube but not playing it in YouTube will affect the rankings there.  Still the solution is to upload it to other networks as well because it must be there to reach the widest audience possible.  A video marketing consideration is to create slightly different videos optimized for the particular network to get the greatest impact in each network.

Another key issue is that the video can be great and convert well once it is viewed but video marketers must become wordsmiths as well or have one work with them.  Optimizing the title and description to include the right keywords for the demographic is particularly important.  Creating the right tittle is particularly important for videos for business as the competition is brutal and the title is the first thing that users see before they even consider seeing the video, so the title must pull viewers.  The same consideration must be given to the video description.  A particular important thing to do is to do A/B testing with the video title in particular.  A/B testing can optimize the titled and give it an extra chance of being successful.

Video marketing for videos for business doesn’t stop there.  Now video marketers must also consider the still image that is shown when the video is seen in a list or the landing page.  These graphics are becoming particularly important as the video itself because they can entice a visitor to watch the video.  A/B testing with these graphics is also super important as they matter a great deal.

There are many more factors for video marketers to consider which will be covered in later postings but these are absolutely key for video marketing.  They allow for discovering and click conversions and they should be tested.  Video marketing has become much more involved but the thrill of producing a runaway video for business is even sweeter to achieve when there is so much more work and creativity involved.

Author Antonio Otalvaro

Hi! I'm Antonio and I'm here to post some really cool stuff for you. If you have any ideas or any requests you can find me Twitter: @otalvaro

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