For years corporate video marketing has been the almost exclusive realm of YouTube and perhaps Vimeo.  It offers corporate video marketers the benefit of controlling the quality of their video and offers greater granulation in video analytics.  Vimeo has also branded better than YouTube.  No matter what YouTube was still a place that video needed to end up for their amazing one billion viewer audience, but for video landing pages Vimeo was the go to service.  Now Facebook Video is becoming the other go to place for video.  Before if you just uploaded to YouTube even if you did not use Vimeo or other similar services, that was enough but now, Facebook Videos will be another must upload place for corporate video marketers.

Currently Facebook video uploads are overtaking YouTube video uploads for the first time. 2015 will be the year where it will likely surpasses YouTube in video uploads.  Already Facebook holds 60% of all global video shares and this figure too is likely to increase.  With Facebook’s stranglehold on video shares, it has great power and can change corporate video marketer’s behavior.  Facebook is the Pacqiao of video and it is aiming for YouTube’s Mayweather with a vengeance for the title of best in Video.

Facebook prefers videos uploaded directly to Facebook through their Facebook Video service.  It encourages this by presenting them better and improving their play options.  It also sweetens the pot for branded page by allowing them to feature a video in a larger format with comments similar to YouTube for the video.  It also will be implanting YouTube like video lists.  It is doing everything possible to take the title from YouTube and it seems to be working.  Corporate video marketers are taking notice and directly uploading videos to Facebook so they can use the added features.  Facebook is pulling out all the stops to get corporate video marketers to use their services.

To take advantage of Facebook Video, start uploading all of your existing videos to the service.  Make an animated video at least each week if not daily to take advantage of this trend that Facebook is featuring.  You can make an animated video super easy with services such as and do it in record time and for free or as little as $8 per video.  With Raw Shorts there are no objections to producing professional quality videos yourself as it saves time and it’s free.  Look for trending videos and spin an angle for your corporate video to participate in the trend.  Also remember to feature your key videos in your branded page so that they anchor you, Video is the most popular content in Facebook and in the internet in general.  Lastly make sure to encourage commenting and sharing of your corporate videos.

Facebook Video just made work for corporate video marketers a tiny bit harder by having to directly upload their video to Facebook.  However, on the balance of things it has also offered corporate videos a huge leg up by giving them a few advantages within Facebook.  It also has made it easier to promote your strongest videos and to produce list of videos that will allow your corporate videos to be watched even more!


Author Antonio Otalvaro

Hi! I'm Antonio and I'm here to post some really cool stuff for you. If you have any ideas or any requests you can find me Twitter: @otalvaro

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