Video marketing has become an essential part of marketing in today’s highly digital world. People are consuming more videos than ever. Why is video marketing so effective? For starters, it provides information in a friendlier format than text. The fact is that once entrepreneurs discover the effectiveness of video marketing, their perception of business is changed forever.

Before we dive into the different methods that videos will help with your marketing campaigns, let’s look at a few tips to help you get started with videos.

  • Videos explicitly designed for marketing purposes should be concise. They should only run as long as is necessary to get the message across. On average, a marketing video should run around one minute.
  • You must shoot your videos in high definition — This is no longer an option. 
  • Videos should tell a compelling story while providing useful information.
  • You must evoke a particular emotion in your viewers. People buy based on emotion, so your video needs to take advantage of this fact.
  • There must be a call to action at the conclusion.

Here are 10 ways that videos complement your marketing initiatives.

Videos Boost Conversion Rates

Videos that are both entertaining and informative are going to increase sales. They boost conversions by giving people an inside look at the products and services offered by your brand.

Image by Yans Media

It should also answer an important question but try to limit a video to one important message.

If you want to enhance your video’s potential even further, then try placing a lead capture form somewhere near it and then direct viewers to put in their information. This gets them into a sales funnel where you can start to sell them.

Videos Keep Users on a Page Longer

Users spend most of their time on websites that contain videos. They are the most preferred source of media on the internet.

That tells us that adding videos to our website will generate more traffic and will improve the chances of people staying once they visit. Start embedding your videos on your website so that you increase exposure.

Videos Put a Human Face on Brands

Videos humanize a brand because they tell a story and share an experience. When done correctly, they produce an emotional response, so you get better engagement.

Image by Yans Media

One mistake that is made quite often is that newer brands will create commercials that list the benefits of their products or services, but they don’t tell a story. Videos that promote storytelling will produce more emotion by putting a human face on them.

Fully Engage with Potential Customers

Engaging with an audience is how brands become memorable. In order to create engaging videos, you will need to analyze your customers efficiently.

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That means you have to review data about your target market and create videos based on their expectations. Find out what makes them tick and use it to evoke emotion.

Videos Have a Great ROI

Improving the return on investment is the goal of all marketing campaigns. Videos have the highest ROI of all forms of advertisements, but this is only true if videos are high quality.

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Videos that do not deliver a message are not going to return a lot of leads, so it’s essential that you plan properly.

Grab the Attention of Search Engines

We all know how important SEO is to marketing, and videos will provide a huge boost to your website’s search rankings. The algorithms that search engines use to rank websites that prioritize video content and different types of video.

Illustration by Loris F Alessandria

The reason that videos more credible and can relay more information to the audience.

In short, websites that contain videos are going to be listed higher on Google and other search engines. You will have a higher chance of being listed on the “videos” tab.

Viewers Trust Videos

Videos require a significant investment, so consumers tend to trust them more since scammers usually stay away from video formats. This goes a long way in earning their trust.

Illustration by Khaled Abdelaziz

Therefore, video marketing has become essential for brands that are looking to stay ahead of their competition. You should also take some extra steps to ensure that your videos are created in a way to earn even more trust.

Customer testimonials, telling the story of your brand, and engaging a demographic directly are all trust-building solutions that video editing professionals consider essential.

People Are More Likely to Share Videos

Videos are the media that people love to share. Look on Facebook and Twitter to see the sheer number of videos being recommended by users.

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So your videos need to play a pivotal role in your social media campaign being that they are much more likely to get shares.

Videos Help Track your Results

Combining this with the previous one, brands that use videos as part of their social media strategy are going to have a much more accurate way to track them.

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YouTube has enhanced statistics that shows businesses where they are getting views, and when viewers are clicking away from their videos. This provides valuable insight into where problems might arise. For instance, if you notice that a majority of viewers are leaving at the two-minute mark, then it’s easy to trace the reason.

Mobile Users Love Video

Mobile video marketing has become one of the most important elements of a business’s marketing campaign. In 2020, this is going to become an even larger concern.

Illustration by Miguel Angel Camprubi

Users are eating up mobile videos at a faster rate than ever. There is no definitive guide to video marketing, but all experts agree that mobile is an essential element.

Why is Video Marketing so Effective?

Videos are amazing tools for increasing brand awareness, and they have higher conversions than other forms of media.

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Author Antonio Otalvaro

Hi! I'm Antonio and I'm here to post some really cool stuff for you. If you have any ideas or any requests you can find me Twitter: @otalvaro

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